Creative & Critical Thinking is one of the leading Soft-Skills requested by employers, as well as one of the most useful skills to have as a leader. 

It allows you to make logical connections between actions, think rationally & objectively, as well as open up your mind and add your creative signature to any situation. 

  • Available for:

    • Small group: 1-12 participants.

    • Medium group: 13-25 participants.

    • Large group: 26+ participants.

  • Focus on thinking carefully, analyzing information and making decisions more carefully

  • Offline or Online.

  • Location: on-site at your company or at our office.

  • Online chat group to continue the learning process outside of the classroom, stay updated with the trainer, and to share media/video/recordings, etc.

  • PDF (& audio ) reviews of each session.


Available as


A 3-hour workshop to give you a concise overview.

A deeper dive into Creative & Critical Thinking with a combination of Training and Coaching with 10-hour course (5 sessions).


Consult with us and weā€™ll put together the perfect training just for you.


Understand the importance of thinking critically.

Learning Objectives

Discover how to think creatively.

Learn about cognitive biases and why they are important for critical thinking.

Identify some weaknesses in your current approach to thinking critically.

Characteristics of critical thinkers.

A simple and effective process for looking at information and problems.

Apply critical thinking to some real cases and questions we face.

  • First principle reasoning.

  • The Importance of Effective Problem Solving.

  • How Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Connect.

  • Strategies and Tips for Critical Thinking.

  • 7 Steps for Effective Problem Solving in the Workplace.

  • Critical Thinking / Problem Solving Exercises.

  • And much moreā€¦ (*)

    (*) Exact contents depend on training duration

  • What critical thinking is and its benefits for your life.

  • Why Critical Thinking is Absolutely Necessary.

  • Cognitive biases and fallacies.

  • Recognize barriers in your thinking process.

  • Powerful questions and kill assumptions.

  • A root-problem solving technique.

  • The importance of genuine curiosity.

  • A simple process to think more critically.


Ready to experience learning with E & G Training?

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